The Evolution of Payment Technologies: A Brief History Greetings everyone! We at Payloud are passionate about making transactions easier for everyone. That’s why today, we’re taking a step back to look at the fascinating evolution of payment technologies, focusing on the advancements made in recent years, particularly in India. The Inception of Electronic Payments The…… Continue reading The Evolution of Payment Technologies: A Brief History
Tag: Financial technology
How Payloud is revolutionizing payment notifications
In the digital age, businesses are constantly searching for ways to simplify the payment process while still ensuring accuracy and reliability. That’s where Payloud revolutionizing payment notifications by offering a unique solution that empowers shop owners to get voice notifications of payments from any payment app or QR code. Merchants can order this Payment notification…… Continue reading How Payloud is revolutionizing payment notifications
How digital payments is beneficial for India GDP
India has always been a cash-dominated economy, with most transactions being conducted through physical currency. However, the rise of digital payments in recent years has started to change this trend. electronic transactions have become increasingly popular in India, with the government pushing for a cashless economy. This shift towards electronic transactions is not just a…… Continue reading How digital payments is beneficial for India GDP
Why Payload is beneficial for shopkeepers
Payloud is a revolutionary payment solution that has been designed specifically for small shopkeepers and merchants. This innovative payment device has a range of features that can help shopkeepers save time, money and hassle. One of the most significant benefits of Payloud is that it offers a single device that can be used to receive…… Continue reading Why Payload is beneficial for shopkeepers